Falling off the Wagon

Gosh I have fallen off the wagon already!!

I have been walking but not the three times a week as I promised myself! More importantly I have not been blogging!!

Well, here we go getting back up again. I have been so busy, car in the shop, birthday parties etc.

This is the usual stuff in a busy Mums life, I know. So there is no for me not to excuse not to excercise and I have to get that into my head.

This afternoon come hell or high water I am going to get my coach out on her new bicycle and have a good walk.

She loves her new bicycle even though it is quite pink and as she is a "tom boy" now she no longer likes this colour. She was nervous at first, thinking it was too big for her. At first I had to hold onto the saddle until she gained momentum but now she is cycling away like a pro! It is a lovely sight. Now I just need to run along beside her.


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