
Showing posts from 2018

Bumps in the road!

Reading my earlier posts I talk about getting fit and generally looking after my physically health.  I am still "working" on that!  I realise actually, more than ever, how important this is.  There is a very important link between our physical and mental health. I have had a few of those major changes in life in the last five years.  I have moved country and I have lost two of the most important people in my life, my parents.  I have struggled during this time with coming to terms with my life as it is now, together with menopausal symptoms and a brush with breast cancer.  I have really missed having friends and family around to lean on.  It has been tough 😯😵 I think I am seeing light in the tunnel at moment - it has been a long time coming...  As people say it is life, that it is all part of the journey and as banal as that sounds I am finding it is so apt.  We do have to control how we negotiate and react to the twists, turns, bumps, ...

A couple of years on

OMG!  Weekly is obviously too ambitious for me - should be called the occasional Blog of a Dublin Woman!! I am loving my garden at the moment!  Although in the heart of town it is incredibly peaceful and full of birdsong!  The scent of honeysuckle fills the air!  Enjoy the photos;  These Sweetpeas have just blossomed - they are in patio pots  I have four varieties of Hydrangeas in my little garden - I love them!  Teeny white roses! The smelly Honeysuckle! Regular visitors!

Seven Years!

My Goodness!  It has been seven years since I have posted on this blog and when I look back at these posts I realise how much has changed in my life.  Some good but a lot of not so good.  Anyway it is a new year and I am really making a conscious effort to make a new start.  There are signs of new life all around me so what better time to start!  It is a cold and frosty day but the sun and blue sky is welcome.  I could resist this bunch of daffodils!