Spring is beginning to spring
Is it always the yellow crocuses that bloom first? Yellow first, then purple and lastly the white. For the last couple of weeks we have seen shoots appearing in the woods and parks, crocuses, snowdrops, daffodils, bluebells, tulips... In fact shoots appeared from the bulbs I have in pots before Christmas in the snow. Last weekend we walked up Ticknock, en famille. It was a gorgeous sunny day, I had even put a load of laundry out on the line to dry. We were so enthusiastic we headed up beyond the masts towards the fairy castle. We had always been too tired to make it up that far before. All of a sudden we were shrouded in clouds and it started to sleat! Needless to say we turned around and came down off the mountain very wet but happy with our adventure. From a bright sunny day it had very quickly turned into a hot chocolate sort of day! I only walked once this week, bad. bad, bad!! I couldn't help walking with a spring in my step today because it was so lovely on Killiney ...