3rd week of January
I have been walking most days, some long walks, some short and sometimes twice a day! This is probably because at the beginning of the week I am very motivated so I have walked both in the morning and in the evening. Then as the week goes on, life tends to takes over and I find excuses to skip. How can I feel motivated all the time? Why is it easier to talk oneself into skipping out of a simple healthy walk?! During my walks I have noticed that Santa delivered a lot of new bicycles and helmets at Christmas. Now for one of my pet peevs!! Please make sure your childs helmet is on correctly!! It makes me cringe when I see them hanging off or sitting on the back of precious little heads. It is easy to teach children how important is it to protect themselves properly. " The helmet should sit level on the cyclist's head with only a couple of finger-widths between eyebrow and the helmet brim. The strap should sit at the back of the lower jaw, against the throat, and be suffici...